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The “CART Management ” service offers all customers who have entered into a CART contract with RTE the opportunity to independently manage their CART settings that have a price impact on the invoicing of access to the transmission system. 
Top left on each page of the service, you will find a purple "Launch Tutorial" button which starts the interactive tutorial to help you get started with the "CART Management" service.

Making a new request

This page allows you to submit change requests for subscribed power, tariff version and scheduled spot exceedances.

Single request

To make a single request, select the "Single Request" tab at the top of the page, then select the company and establishment concerned by the request from the filter block on the left side of the page.

Next you need to enter the type of request required, the connection point the request concerns, and fill in the information making up the request:

Subscribed power changes:

  • Date of effect
  • SP requested for the 5 time slots (kW), respecting the classifications and selections rule: HPTE ≤ HPSH ≤ HCSH ≤ HPSB ≤ HCSB

Tariff version change:

  • TV requested
  • Date of effect

Scheduled spot exceedances

  • Start date and time
  • End date and time
  • Pmax requested (kW)
  • Transitional request
  • Location of the works

Once the request is completed correctly and in full, you then need to click on "Submit" to send the request to RTE.

Please note that you will not be able to submit your request (grayed out "Submit" button) until all of the information required for the single request is complete (white box to fill in).

Bulk request

To make a bulk request, you need to enter the type of request required and then add the file containing the requests.

The file should follow the specific format expected for each type of request. You will find an example of the expected file for each request type under the “Here is a Sample File” link at the bottom of the page.

Once the file is submitted, an initial analysis is done to check the eligibility of the requests. You can then submit eligible requests.

Note that in the bulk request file the field "PDC No." corresponds to the PLIC number and the “Establishment” field corresponds to the establishment number.

Tracking of requests

Once your requests have been submitted, you can follow their progress on the "Manage Requests" page.

What you need to know

The send functions of your load transfers are not included on this service.
Your Service Portal administrator can configure the access rights to the service of your company’s users via the "Administration" tab, "Groups" page.


If you require a subscription, please contact your company’s ’administrator responsible for managing the Service Portal.

If you require any information, please contact your account manager or RTE's hotline by email: or by phone: 0810 80 50 50.