Do you have an account?
Why create an account?
After creating an account you will :
- have access to the “favourites” feature,
- be able to download certain data published by RTE,
- have access to forms (PKI certificate, EIC code, Customer questionnaire - KYC),
- have access to notifications.
If you are an RTE customer, feel free to contact your administrator so that he or she can give you access to your company’s services.
This service allows a customer or its third party to view and download the raw metering data and/or validated data for the perimeter(s) they have authorisation for.
The metering data correspond to the measurement of energy flows recorded by the meters. The data available per Metering Point are:
- Extracted average active power in kW,
- Injected average active power in kW,
- Extracted average reactive power in kVar,
- Injected average reactive power in kVar.
A Metering Point is a physical point where current transformers for metering energy flows are installed.
View the data
You can view for each point:
- If your meter readings are taken in IP*: Raw data in 5-min intervals, within a period of less than 15 minutes, over a time range of up to 3 days.
- For all types of metering: the validated data is in 5-min intervals, from D+1 at 8:00AM, over a time range of 3 days maximum.
The raw data corresponds to the data recorded in the reference meter, with no modification from RTE.
Validated data is the data used for invoicing and certification of market transactions. These may have been subject to replacement due to erroneous or unavailable data. Replacements are carried out in accordance with the contractual provisions.
The validated data history is available from 28 February 2017. This history progressively evolves in increments and will allow a consultation over 5 rolling years. Raw data is available over a rolling 3-month period.
You can choose and compare:
- Two different points by clicking on “Compare to another metering point”
- Two different periods by clicking on “Compare to another period”
Filters related to Metering Points display EIC codes (Z-type) associated with each object, in addition to the internal RTE identifiers available via the special conditions of the CART contract.
For information, the EIC codes are intended to replace the internal RTE identifiers in order to standardize RTE data exchanges with external parties.
An EIC (Energy Identification Code) is used in Europe to uniquely identify all market participants (Type X) and objects (Type Z) in the energy market. This is an ENTSO-E / ENTSO-G standard, chosen by RTE to homogenize the identifiers relating to your data.
Graph legend
The detailed legend provides information on the quality of the data.
The raw data may have the following quality codes:
- A04 As provided: Data as recorded in the reference counter, without RTE modifying it.
- A05 Incomplete
: Data calculated in spite of the absence of at least one metering data used in the linear combination (eg calculation of the physical data) and / or in the arithmetic mean for the calculation of the restitution interval (eg calculation of the 5-minute interval from the 1-minute interval).
- A02 Not available
: Data not available when the meter is being read
Validated data can have the following quality codes:
- Z01 Validated: Validated data for invoicing and certification of market transactions
- A03 Estimated
: Data that have been replaced and not yet validated
- A02 Not available
: Data not available when the meter is being read
For the validated metering data only, a reason code is associated with each quality code and makes it possible to obtain more precise information, in particular in the event of replacement of value:
- Z13 Raw: data validated in the state (no change compared to the raw data)
- Z07 Linear interpolation: Data interpolated automatically, due to data error or unavailability
- Z08 Replacement algorithm: Data replaced by an algorithm, due to data error or unavailability
- Z09 Manual Replacement: Manually overwritten by RTE teams due to data error or unavailability
- Z14 Replaced by zero: Data replaced by a zero value, due to data error or unavailability
- Z12 Questionable value: Data identified as questionable by the meter
- Z10 Power outage: Data measured during a power outage
- Z11 Synchronization: Measured data during an updating of the meter clock (point to be interpolated if the subscribed power is exceeded)
- Z04 Not acquired : Data not collected
Export your data
Download your data by clicking on the button “Download” or on the icon in the top right-hand corner of the graph.
Downloading is possible over a period of 32 days for your validated data and over a period of up to 3 days for your raw data.
The exported data is in UTC time (two-hour time difference in summer and one-hour time difference in winter from France) and corresponds to the time period you selected in the filter.Data is exported in .CSV format and can be viewed using Microsoft Excel.
Files are generated by power type and by data status (raw / validated) for each Metering Point.
They are named as follows:
<Point code>_<Data type>_<Raw or Validated>_<Power type>_<Start date>-<End date>.csv
The “Cpt” data type corresponds to metering data.
The power types are as follows:
- EAI : injected active power
- EAS : extracted active power
- ERI : injected reactive power
- ERS : extracted reactive power
- EA : active power
- ER : reactive power
Please note
The access rights of users in your companies to view private data are managed on a per-data type basis (metering data, system data, physical data) and on a per-status basis (raw and/or validated). These rights can be configured by any administrator via the "Administration” tab on the "Groups" page.
If your account is linked to several companies, a filter is available for selecting the company for which you want to view data.
* Data stored by the meters is remotely read via a telecommunications network. The interface technology can be either PSTN (historic switched telephone network: your meter is connected to a telephone switch by a pair of local loop-powered wires); or IP (Internet Protocol: your meter is digital and has a computer network communication protocol).