Do you have an account?
Why create an account?
After creating an account you will :
- have access to the “favourites” feature,
- be able to download certain data published by RTE,
- have access to forms (PKI certificate, EIC code, Customer questionnaire - KYC),
- have access to notifications.
If you are an RTE customer, feel free to contact your administrator so that he or she can give you access to your company’s services.
Access your raw or validated physical data, in near-real time or from the following day.
+ Plan your power purchases and/or sales with your suppliers.
The service
You can access your meters’ aggregated data, per site, isolated from potential flow metering devices :
- active power extracted: your site’s total load extraction, without considering market transactions pertaining to the site (e.g. agreed supplies, participation in the balancing mechanism, etc.);
- active power injected: your site’s total load injection, without considering market transactions pertaining to the site (e.g. unused agreed supplies, rapid reserves, etc.).
The Consumed and Generated Active Powers are those described in Annex 3 of the Special Conditions of the Transmission System Access Contract and Optional Services Contract of the metering service "Energy Metering Formulae for the Balance Responsible Party System.
Your data are calculated from raw data as recorded in the meter, by applying the contractual detailed data calculation formula.
You have 2 means of access:
- Your data retrieved at 10-minutes intervals can be consulted via the Services Portal,
- Your data can be automatically retrieved via an application connecting to our application programming interface (API) available on the Data Portal, and then displayed on your programmed channels (e.g. a website, an application, etc.). Your data are retrieved at 1-minute or 10-minute intervals.
The data are validated (erroneous or unavailable data are processed by RTE) and retrieved at 10-minute intervals.
You have two means of access :
- your data can be consulted via the Services Portal,
- your data can be automatically retrieved via our application programming interface (API), available on the Data Portal,
- your data can be consulted or downloaded via your Personalised Customer Area.
To be eligible for these services, you must :
- have either a CART contract or a detailed data service contract, or data transmission authorisation from the rights holder on the data,
- be able to access RTE’s information system (IS).
For more info
- Producers
- Distributors
- Consumers
* Data stored by meters are read remotely via a telecommunications network. The interface technology may be either via PSTN (the public switched telephone network: where your meter is connected to a telephone switch by a pair of wires via the local loop); or via IP (Internet Protocol: your meter is digitised and uses a computer network communication protocol).