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After creating an account you will :
- have access to the “favourites” feature,
- be able to download certain data published by RTE,
- have access to forms (PKI certificate, EIC code, Customer questionnaire - KYC),
- have access to notifications.
If you are an RTE customer, feel free to contact your administrator so that he or she can give you access to your company’s services.
+ RTE finds you the best flexible connection solutions to optimise your localisation, timelines and cost requirements.
This connection procedure applies to:
- The connection of a new generating facility or group of facilities with an installed capacity of 12 MW or more to a single point on the public electricity transmission grid;
- The connection of a new generating unit or facility with an installed capacity of more than 0.8 kW to a facility already connected to the public transmission system (excluding back-up units that cannot operate in parallel with the public electricity transmission grid;
- Modification of the connection of an existing generation facility, leading to a change in injection flow on the public electricity transmission grid.
On receipt of the connection request, RTE checks whether the project is part of the public transmission grid and that the connection request is complete within 8 business days.
The main steps of the connection process
We guide you by proposing different steps for you to refine your project in line with the cost and timeframe of the works to be carried out on the public electricity transmission grid.

We provide personalised support throughout your project with a commitment to:
Contact you within 2 weeks to clarify your needs and priorities for developing your connection offer.
Provide you with regular reporting on the key stages of your connection project.
You can benefit from the Caparéseau service to connect an RE generation facility:
To connect a renewable energy generation facility, information is provided for you on the Caparéseau and S3REnR constraints websites.
The Caparéseau website aims to inform you on the opportunities for connecting electricity generation facilities to transmission and distribution systems. It was created by RTE in collaboration with distribution system operators (ENEDIS, ESDB, ES-OMEGA, CESML, GEREDIS, PRIMEO ENERGIE, SICAE Est, SICAE Oise, SICAP Pithiviers, SRD, Strasbourg Electricity Networks, Réséda, VIALIS).
The information on connection capacities dedicated to renewable energies published on the website is intended for all generators. The Caparéseau website provides additional information about the progress of network planning schemes dedicated to renewable energies.
In addition, under the regional schemes for grid connection of renewable energies (S3REnR), system operators develop and reserve reception capacities for renewable energies. The Caparéseau website provides additional information for the reception of renewable energy and the advancement of these schemes.
1. The exploratory study: an optional first study
An exploratory study allows you to benefit, within 6 weeks, from a feasibility study for the connection of your generation and/or storage facility to the public transmission grid as well as an estimate of the cost and timeframe for the connection. It specifies:
- the connection diagram;
- an indicative estimate of the cost of the work to be carried out;
- an indicative estimate of the time required for the connection to be completed.
The exploratory study, which is not a prerequisite for a connection request, remains optional and does not commit any of the parties. However, this prospective stage of discussions between you and RTE is strongly recommended, particularly if different scenarios are considered for the project’s location or for the power level of your generation facility.
A request for an exploratory study is made by filling in the specific data collection form D1 using the online form. (For requests concerning distribution facilities, please send the D1 form directly to
2. Confirmation of the connection solution defined during a previous exploratory study (optional step)
If you have a previous exploratory study and then aim to request a Technical and Financial Proposal (in French: la Proposition Technique et Financière or PTF) for the connection of your facility, you can ask RTE by e-mail ( to confirm whether the connection solution previously identified in the exploratory study is still feasible.
Within 15 working days, RTE will confirm whether or not the solution can be maintained. Where applicable, RTE will also inform you of the existence, at this stage, of one or more competing offers likely to have an impact on your project or the time required to consider your demand.
3. The connection request
3.1 Application and processing
The connection request “or PTF request” is the first mandatory step in the connection process. Its purpose is to draw up a connection offer based on the data supplied by the connection applicant. It sets out the chosen connection solution, the scope of the work to be carried out, and details of the cost and deadline to connect your facility. The PTF constitutes a binding quotation. A request for a PTF is made by completing data collection form “D1” and “D2” and sending it to RTE’s contracting department at the following address: rte-fcent-dp-raccordement In the specific case where you wish to install a generation unit of less than 18 MW on an existing consumption facility, please use the following address:
The connection request must also be accompanied by a proof of payment of the lump sum currently set at € 50 400 (incl. VAT), and a number of other supporting documents such as the Connection Applicant’s SIRET number and intra-community VAT number, etc…The full list is given in article 4.4 « La demande de raccordement » of chapter 1.2.2 « Procédure de traitement des demandes de raccordement des Installations de production et de stockage d’électricité au réseau public de transport d’électricité » in our technical documentation (Documentation Technique de Référence).
RTE then has 3 months to send you a Technical and Financial Proposal (PTF) or a Technical and financial Proposal needing construction of a new RTE substation (PTFp), according to the procedures specified in paragraph 3.3, depending on whether the identified connection solution is based on existing infrastructures or on a substation to be created according to new development schemes dedicated to renewable energies.
Please note that the three-month deadline may be revised at RTE’s request (with your agreement) in the event of a complex request.
If a PTF is submitted without needing to create new assets on the public electricity transmission grid, RTE will refund you the lump sum paid when your application was submitted.
A PTF is deemed to be accepted if, during its period of validity, and cumulatively, RTE has received from the Applicant:
A signed copy of the PTF or PTFp, with no reservations made by the Applicant;
- One of the documents listed in appendix 1 of the Connection Procedure attesting to the progress of the project, failing which a lump sum of € 1 k per MW installed will be paid;
- The first instalment of the cost of studies;
- Where applicable, for renewable energy installations, the first instalment corresponding to the « Quota"
- A copy of the title deed, occupancy title (lease), promise to sell or lease concerning the plot of land intended to receive the future Customer substation;
- Where applicable, a designation document (in the case of a request to connect several installations to a single point of the network).
Acceptance of the PTF (or PTFp) allows the project to enter the waiting queue, provided that the entry of another project in the queue does not compromise the proposed connection solution.
Acceptance of the PTF (or PTFp) also enables detailed studies and administrative procedures to be launched.
Within 3 months of acceptance of the PTF, RTE will send you the specifications for the constructive capacities of your installation.
Within 6 months of acceptance of the PTF, RTE will send you the specifications for the protection telecontrol and metering systems.
RTE will keep you regularly informed of the progress of your connection.
Useful links:
- Connection procedure
- Form D1 and Form D2 (generation plant)
- Form D1 and FormD2 (storage facility)
- PTF frame
- PTFp frame
To manage the connection requests of generation facilities on the same zone, RTE and the public distribution grid operators have put in place a capacity reservation system known as "File d’attente” or Queue.
RTE ranks connection requests according to a "first come, first served" basis.
There are two steps involved for you to add your project to the Queue.
When examining a request to connect a renewable generation facility or a facility made up of non-renewable and renewable generation facilities (including storage facilities) to be connected to a single point on the public transmission grid, RTE may propose a lower-cost connection solution to a new substation included in the current development plan, but whose location is not definitive at the time the offer is submitted. This offer is called a Technical and Financial Proposal for connection to a new RTE substation (PTFp).
In this case, RTE will refund the lump sum you paid when submitting the request.
Acceptance enables your project to enter the waiting queue, which implies reserving the associated power, in the same way as for a classic PTF offer.
Once the location of the substation has been validated (i.e. at the end of the « Procédure Fontaine ») RTE will notify you of the definitive position of the future RTE substation. You then have two months to notify RTE of your agreement to go ahead with your project, by sending us a request for a PTF. Please note that the characteristics of the installation(s) to be connected must remain identical to those considered for the PTFp
4. The connection agreement
After the signing of the technical and financial proposal, RTE proposes the connection agreement which takes into account the result of the complementary studies and the administrative procedures required for the connection of your facility.
Your connection agreement specifies the technical, legal and financial terms for the connection and specifically the conditions the facility must meet in order to be connected to the public transport system. This connection agreement must be signed in advance of the connection work.
Connection agreement design:
- General Conditions.
- Special conditions "Specifications of Connection Elements": Description of the connection elements.
- Special conditions "Characteristics and Performance of the Facility": Description of the connected facility and its performance including the following 4 specifications (CDC): Specifications for the constructive capacities of the facility, Protection system specifications, Telecontrol system specifications, Metering specifications.
- Special Conditions "Implementing and Financing Connection Elements": Description of the technical, legal and financial conditions of the connection.
See the generator connection agreement template
5. Works phase
RTE carries out the work after signing the connection agreement and keeps you informed of the progress of the works.
Throughout the duration of the work, RTE will regularly transmit information about your connection.
At the end of the work, RTE notifies you that the connection is available.
6. Testing
The connection of your generation facility is subject to a testing phase with the objective of performing a performance check before commissioning the facility.
To do this, you need to sign the transmission system access contract with RTE, as well as the operating and conduct agreement.
The transmission system access contract (CART) sets out the commitments for metering, subscribed power, and planned service interruptions. It also specifies the terms of liability, pricing and billing.
The operating and conduct agreement defines the responsibilities of each party to ensure proper insertion of the facility into the power system and the rules of operation and conduct to be followed to ensure the safety of property and persons.
At the end of the tests, your facility will have final access to the network. A final operation and conduct agreement is then contracted.
- Generator CART template
- Operating and conduct agreement template
7. Welcome to RTE
- Benefit from personalised services.
- Benefit from services regarding power supply quality.
- Access the electricity market.
Reference documentation
For further information, please access to the library to read following documents:
- Generator PTF template
- PTFp template
- Generator connection agreement template
- Facility compliance checks
- Generator CART template.
- Operating and conduct agreement template for generator
To submit a connection application of a generation facility, please contact the grid connection department of RTE at the following address:
In the specific case where you wish to add a power generating unit of less than 18 MW to an existing consumer installation, please use the following address:
If you are modifying an existing installation, please copy your usual sales contact.