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Since January 1, 2025, in France, the Imbalance Settlement Period (ISP) of the BRP is 15-minute time interval.
Commission Regulation 2017/2195 “Guideline on Electricity Balancing” (EBGL) provides for the harmonisation of the ISP to 15 minutes.
In its deliberation of 14 November 2018, the CRE granted a derogation until 1 January 2025 for its implementation in France.
In agreement with this derogation, RTE is pleased to confirm that since January 1, 2025 application date, in France, the imbalance settlement period (ISP) of Balance Responsible Parties (BRP) is 15-minutes time interval.
This milestone is part of a generalised transition to the reference time interval of 15 minutes for better balancing of the power system.
The ISP corresponds to the time granularity at which BRP imbalances are calculated and settled ; granularity at which BRPs are thus required to be balanced.
Given the central role of the BRP system in the organisation of the power system, the change in the imbalance settlement period time granularity to 15-minutes interval impacts many processes (system operator metering systems, the profiling system, block exchange (PEB), …) and required the adaptation of various market mechanisms.
To find out more about please visit the page : Preparation for the upcoming amendments related to the transition to the 15-minute imbalance settlement period.
January 07, 2025