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Home All news items {{item}} {{item.label}} Interconnections : Coordinated capacity calculation the French – Italian border for the Day-ahead market timeframe {{vm.currentItem}}

The go-live of capacity calculation “Export Corner” on the North-Italian borders in Italian Export direction took place on the 19h of June 2024 for the Day-Ahead market timeframe.

All 5 TSO of the capacity calculation region of Italy North (RTE, Swissgrid, APG, ELES, Terna) announce to go live of the capacity calculation process “Export Corner” for the business day 19th of June 2024, which consists in optimizing the capacities in the Italian export direction.
Historically, the capacities in the Italian export direction were calculated annually for the whole year based on the grid outages.
Thus, this new calculation will optimize the capacities of the whole day in the programmed direction of the market for each border (Import or Export). The results of this calculation will be published daily on JAO platform like today.


June 20th 2024