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FCR: Frequency Containment Reserve.

aFRR: automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve.

Specific mFRR: Specific manual Frequency Restoration Reserve - specific balancing bids with manual activation having a mobilization lead time of less than 13 minutes. 

Specific RR: Specific Replacement Reserve - specific balancing bids with manual activation having a mobilization lead time of more than 13 minutes.

Non balancing activation: volume of energy activated on the balancing mechanism for the purpose of congestion, frequency ancillary services or reconstitution of reserves.

Unintended exchanges (DeltaPi): Difference between scheduled exchanges and measured physicals flows at interconnections.

Imbalance Netting (IGCC): Imbalance Netting (International Grid Control Cooperation) - Volume of energy transferred at interconnections by implementing the remainder of imbalances.

Countertrading & XB Redispatching: Volume of activated energy resulting from countertrading and cross-border redispatching mechanisms.

TSO emergency contracts: TSO emergency contracts Balance of energies exchanged between TSOs under emergency reserve-sharing agreements

BALIT (BALancing Inter-TSOs mechanism): Balance of energies exchanged between TSOs under balancing energy exchange contracts

Standard RR need satisfied by TERRE: Standard Replacement Reserve need requested by RTE and satisfied by the TERRE platform.

Imbalance: Sums of activated energies listed above (upward activations/imports counted negatively; downward activations down/exports counted positively)   

Trend: Upward if the overall imbalance of the French power system is negative or zero and downward in the opposite case.

ISP: Imbalance Settlement Price.

BEWAP: Balancing Energy volume Weighted Average Price.

BEMP: Balancing Energy Marginal Price.


Energy volume activated for electric system balance: Sums of specific balancing bids activated for P = C balance reason and the standard RR need satisfied by TERRE platform.

Energy volume activated for congestion: Specific balancing bids activated to resolve congestion.

Energy volume activated for SSY: Specific balancing bids activated to reconstitute frequency ancillary services.

Energy volume activated for Marge: Specific balancing bids activated to reconstitute reserves.


Energy volume activated, injection point: Energy volume activated by PTS or PDS injection balancing entities

Energy volume activated, extraction point: Energy volume activated by remotely-read and profiled consumption balancing entities

Energy volume activated, exchange point: Energy volume activated by exchange point balancing entities

Energy volume activated, Inter-TSO Balancing Exchange: Energy volume exchanged between TSOs under balancing energy exchange contracts


Minimal price : Lowest price of balancing energy bids activated downward for P=C balance.

Maximal price : Highest price of balancing energy bids activated upward for P=C balance.

DMO’s offer : Mobilisation lead time of the bid.

DOmin’s offer : Minimum duration of use of the bid.

TERRE Platform


Ceiling/floor price: Price limit associated with the P=C balancing need requested by RTE to the TERRE platform and which can take the "at any cost” value.

Clearing price in France: marginal price defined, for the French scheduling area, by the TERRE platform.

Volume of activated RR standard bids: Aggregated volume of Replacement Reserve (RR) standard bids submitted by a French balancing service provider, shared by RTE to the TERRE platform and activated by the platform to meet RTE’s need or a foreign need.

Volume of RR Standard product bids submitted: Aggregated volume of Replacement Reserve (RR) standard bids submitted by a French balancing service provider and shared by RTE to the TERRE platform.

Restricted volume of RR standard bids: Volume of Replacement Reserve (RR) standard bids submitted by a French balancing service provider and made unavailable by RTE.


aFRR need requested by RTE : Average value of the French scheduling area control error at 4 second intervals before correction from the IGCC and PICASSO platforms.

aFRR activated for French scheduling area : Average value of aFRR activated at 4 second intervals in France or abroad to cover French aFRR demand.

Volume weighted average price of aFRR activated for French scheduling area : Average of the aFRR activation prices to cover French aFRR demand, calculated based on the Cross-Border Marginal Price (when connected to PICASSO) or the Local Marginal Price (in Merit Order France) at 4 second intervals, and weighted by the volume of aFRR activated for France.

aFRR submitted volume in France : Aggregated aFRR energy bids submitted in France.

aFRR activated volume in France : Average value of the aFRR activated in France at 4 second intervals, regardless of the beneficiary TSO.

aFRR unavailable volume in France : Not Applicable (the concept of unavailable bid does not exist for French aFRR).

Volume weighted average price of aFRR submitted bids in France : Average price of aFRR bids submitted in France, weighted by the submitted volumes.