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The data on this page relates to power plants and generating units in mainland France (excluding Corsica).
In compliance with REMIT Regulation (EU) No. 1227/2011 on integrity and transparency in wholesale energy markets, market participants must publicly disclose any inside information they possess on a dedicated and ACER-certified platform.
Today, RTE makes this information available on 4 pages of the Services Portal, including this one:
• Downtime of generation resources
• Unavailability of the transmission network / NTC Impact
• Additional information regarding generation
• Additional information regarding transmission network
To comply with the new requirements of the REMIT regulation, RTE will soon release its « Inside Information Platform » (IIP) certified by ACER. This platform will enable to aggregate on a dedicated site the urgent market messages (UMM) published by market participants.
Consequently, current publications on the Services Portal will end on the opening date of the Inside Information Platform of RTE (which will soon be communicated). This page will no longer be updated and a link to the new platform will be provided.
We will come back to you shortly with further information.
The following information is published:
- Scheduled and unscheduled downtime of generating units with a duration of over one hour and a resulting loss of over 100 MW.
- Scheduled downtime of a generating unit with a duration of over one hour and a resulting variation of at least 100 MW.
- Scheduled and unscheduled downtime of power plants with a duration of over one hour and a resulting loss of over 200 MW (a power plant may consist of more than one generating unit).
- Scheduled downtime of a power plant with a duration of over one hour and a resulting variation of at least 100 MW.
- Any downtime of a power unit considered as an inside information according to article 2(1) of REMIT Regulation 1227/2011.
Downtime status are classified as:
- Active : Default status for unavailability that is in progress, or scheduled.
- Inactive : Status for a new publication or an update of a past unavailability.
- Dismissed : Publication status for a downtime that is no longer valid.
The dates are:
- Displayed in ISO 8601 format in accordance with ACER recommendations.
- In CET time.
Due to technical incidents on the Information System, several data regarding generation units unavailability are affected. All final versions are updated. You will find the details of the anomalies in the following file: Donwload the file