Do you have an account?
Why create an account?
After creating an account you will :
- have access to the “favourites” feature,
- be able to download certain data published by RTE,
- have access to forms (PKI certificate, EIC code, Customer questionnaire - KYC),
- have access to notifications.
If you are an RTE customer, feel free to contact your administrator so that he or she can give you access to your company’s services.
Sending dynamic data about the balance responsible party is one of the responsibilities of the distribution system operators in the allocation process.
Indeed, since 1 July 2007, all French consumers have been able to choose their electricity supplier. All load extraction from and all injection into the transmission or distribution system must be allocated to a balance responsible party (BRP).
This is why RTE needs data from distribution system operators so it can calculate BRP imbalances and invoice for them accurately.
What is the dynamic data in the BRP system?
As part of the allocation process, the distribution system operators and RTE exchange reference data and dynamic data.
Dynamic data is metering data (load curves) exchanged between RTE and the distribution system operators.
There are two types of dynamic data:
- Dynamic data for each BRP: consumption/estimated production/remotely-read and power losses on the distribution system operator's network for the power loss BRPs appointed by the distribution system operator.
- Dynamic data for each DSO: flows between RTE's networks and a rank 1 DSO, between two rank 2 DSOs, between a rank 1 DSO and a rank 2 DSO.
Which files are used to exchange dynamic data between RTE and the DSOs? Which channel?
These data are recorded in XML format files exchanged between you and RTE. You must upload 1 file per BRP with all its load curves for a given week through the RMC exchange channel (Routing Multi Canal)
What dynamic data should be sent to RTE for the "imbalance" process? And when should it be sent?
The dynamic data used for the BRP allocation process is exchanged on a weekly basis for a given week W, running from 12:00 AM on Saturday to 11:59 PM on Friday.
RTE data → DSO
RTE will send you before 12 PM on D+3 for day D:
- Any blocks delivered as BRP PTS Site NEBs on your network (C09)
Only if your network is directly powered by the transmission system (rank 1 TSO), RTE will send you, for a given week W, every Tuesday of week W+1 before 2 PM:
- The aggregated consumption load curves for your delivery point substations ;
- The aggregated consumption generation curves for your delivery point substations ;
TSO data → RTE
Only if your network is directly powered by the transmission system (rank 1 TSO), you will send RTE, for a given week W:
Every Tuesday of week W+1 before 2 PM:
- The aggregated delivery point substation load curves for DSOs powered by your network
- The aggregated load curves of exchanges with other transmission networks connected to yours, where relevant
If two rank 1 DSO networks are interconnected, both DSOs come to an agreement to decide which one informs RTE of these flows between rank 1 DSOs.
Irrespective of your rank, you must send RTE, for a given week W:
Every Friday of week W+1 before 12 PM, for each BRP that is active on your network:
- The estimated consumption load curves for each BRP (C01), representing consumption at sites profiled across the BRP’s perimeter
- The estimated generation load curves for each BRP (C02), representing power generated at sites profiled across the BRP’s perimeter
- The remotely-read consumption load curves for each BRP (C03), representing consumption at sites read remotely across the BRP’s perimeter
- The remotely-read generation load curves for each BRP (C04), representing power generated at sites read remotely across the BRP’s perimeter
- The power loss load curves across your network for the appointed BRP in the reference data (C05)
For each of these data, you must send one file per BRP per week, containing one curve per day for each of the curves concerned (except for the power loss load curve).
The file formats are described in the Implementation guide for data exchanges between DSOs and RTE for the balance responsible party system. This guide is available on page: To reconstitute the balance responsible party system flows
If you have difficulties sending your reference files or if you are delayed in doing so, contact your account manager as soon as possible.
Data quality is a fundamental consideration: The DSO is responsible for checking the quality of data that it produces and sends to RTE.
RTE’s publications
Throughout the phase during which imbalances are being calculated, RTE makes the data publicly available on the Services Portal, or privately for the BRPs and DSOs via the Data Portal.
A list of these services and corresponding data is available on the Balance responsible entity allocation process page.
Public data in W+1
Historical imbalance process (data with an application date prior to 5 October 2024) :
Every Tuesday of week W+1 before 12:00 PM, RTE publishes – for each day of week W, the national reference load curve (C10).
Dynamic data received from the DSOs
Every Friday of week W+2 before 11:59 PM, RTE publishes the data received from the BRPs and DSOs. For each DSO on the network on which the BRP is active and for each day of the week W, RTE publishes:
- The estimated consumption load curve (C01);
- The estimated generation load curve (C02);
- The remotely-read consumption load curve (C03);
- The remotely-read generation load curve (C04);
- And if the BRP has power losses on the DSO's network that are attached to its perimeter, estimated power loss load curve (C05).
Data calculated by RTE
Every Friday of week W+1 before 11:59 PM, RTE publishes – for each day of week W:
- The national profiling imbalance ;
- The national calibration coefficient ;
- The national calibration coefficient with replacement;
- The estimated national consumption load curve;
- The estimated national generation load curve;
- The remotely-read national consumption load curve;
- The remotely-read national generation load curve;
- The estimated national power loss load curve.
RTE also publishes:
- The estimated calibrated consumption load curve (C13E);
- The overall consumption report (C14).
Every Friday of week W+1 before 11:59 PM, RTE publishes the results of the imbalance calculation for week W for each BRE:
- The BRP imbalance;
- The BRP’s physical extraction.
Single imbalance process (data with an application date from 5 October 2024):
Every Tuesday of week W+1 before 20:00, RTE publishes, for each day of week W:
The national reference load curve
the DSO's reference load curve measured at DSO terminals (C_GRD)
the aggregate load curve for inter-DSO exchanges (C_PS_INTER)
Dynamic data received from the DSOs
Every Friday of week W+1 before 23:59, RTE publishes the data received from BRPs and DSOs. For each DSO on whose network the BRP is active and for each day of week W, RTE publishes :
- The estimated consumption load curve (C01) ;
- The estimated generation load curve (C02);
- The remotely-read consumption load curve (C03);
- The remotely-read generation load curve (C04);
- If the BRP has losses on the DSO's network which are attached to his perimeter, the estimated power loss load curve (C05).
Data calculated by RTE
- Every Friday of week S+1 before 23:59, RTE publishes for each day of week W:
- The national profiling imbalance;
- The national calibration coefficient;
- The national residual load curve;
- The estimated national consumption load curve;
- The estimated national generation load curve;
- The remotely-read load curve for national consumption;
- The national generation remotely-read load curve;
- The estimated national losses load curve.
RTE also publishes :
- The recalibrated load curve (C01_CAL) ;
- The overall assessment balance (BGC-RE-GRD);
- The global Consumption Total for each BRP (including the residual) (BGC_RES-RE);
- The national residue load curve assigned to BRP (RES-RE);
- The Power loss standardization coefficient (CNP);
- The BRP’s estimated calibrated consumption standardization (COEFF_NRM).
Every Friday of week W+1 before 23:59, RTE publishes the results of the imbalance calculation for week W for each BRP:
- The BRP imbalance ;
- The BRP's physical withdrawal.
Is it possible to send updates of your dynamic data?
Yes, the data sent for calculating imbalances can then be revised. These revisions give rise to several cycles during which imbalances are calculated for the BRPs in order to produce high-quality invoices (first invoice in M+1, then adjustment in M+3, M+6 and M+12). The revised data must therefore be sent to RTE before these deadlines.
Schedule 2024 & 2025 for sending load curves (DSO to RTE and RTE to DSO)
Only dynamic data can be revised.
What data should be sent for temporal reconciliation (until the RT21)?
Once the index meters have been read, you must send RTE the data from profiled sites that have been "reconciled" according to the reading. This is the second step after the imbalances have been calculated: temporal reconciliation, which is invoiced to the BRPs annually.
TSO data→ RTE
You must send RTE the following before the 15th day of month M+14 for the month M and for each active BRP on your network:
- The estimated reconciled consumption load curve for each BRP(C01T)
- The estimated reconciled generation load curve for each BRP (C02T)
- From July 2023 and for each DSO using the daily readings for the calculation of losses, the estimated load curve of grid losses, recalculated from the data corresponding to this deadline (C05T)
These load curves are calculated based on energies which use the indices which manage the period to be profiled. The methods for drawing up these curves are detailed in article 3.R.3 of the Market Rules ,Chapter 3 - Balance Responsible Entity System, which can be consulted in the reference documentation section on page Becoming a balance responsible party
Annual invoicing of temporal reconciliation
Temporal reconciliation is performed in October of year Y+2 for the annual period running from July Y to June Y+1.
If you wish to revise the reconciled load curves (C01T and C02T) or the recalculated grid losses load curve (from July 2023 and for each DSO using daily readings), you must send the changes to RTE before the end of September of year A+2, for a month included in a year A.
The remotely-read generation and consumption load curves (C03T and C04T) may also be revised to process any errors that may have been detected after M+12 during temporal reconciliation. For a given month M, any modifications need to be sent before September of year Y+2.
RTE publishes to BRPs and DSOs, on the Services Portal and the Data Portal, the data received from the latter. For each DSO on the network on which the BRP is active and for each day of the week W, RTE publishes:
- The estimated M+14 consumption load curve (C01T);
- The estimated M+14 generation load curve (C02T);
- The remotely-read M+14 consumption load curve (C03T);
- The remotely-read M+14 generation load curve (C04T);
RTE provides you and your BRP (for your grid losses) on the Services Portal and the Data Portal, before the end of October in year Y+2:
- The power loss standardisation coefficient for the power loss BRP (CNP)
- The BRP statement correction load curve (C30T) - curve available until TR16 (data with an application date before 30 June 2020),
- The BRP's estimated calibrated consumption standardisation coefficient (CN)
RTE also provides the following on the Services Portal before the end of October in year Y+2:
- The Profiling Imbalance Load Curve (C11T);
- The National Calibration Coefficient (C12T);
- The National Residue Load Curve (C44T);
- The National Residue Load Curve’s financial valuation;
- The estimated national annual consumption energy.
Accessing RTE's IT system
Data is mainly exchanged between RTE and the DSOs electronically. You or your authorised representative need to have a means of accessing RTE's IT system – specifically a PKI certificate.
What are the consequences of failing to send the reference data in the allotted time or of errors in the files?
Financial consequences for clients
In order to invoice users of the transmission and distribution networks as accurately as possible, RTE uses the allocation process. It is therefore vital that the data sent by the DSOs be reliable and of a high quality.
- Incorrectly allocated curves result in incorrect invoicing → risk of disputes
- Energy imbalances resulting from curves not being provided are distributed across all BRPs as part of the historical imbalance process, and shared between the BRPs assigned to DSO losses as part of the unique imbalance process. They therefore make all or part of the community bear the imbalances of only a part of the BRPs → unfair treatment.
Consequences for the power system's balancing
High-quality data ensures that the BREs have accurate knowledge of their balancing perimeter:
- Responsiveness: rapid access to metering data provides them with short-term visibility
- Transparency: more accurate consumption forecasts
→ more accurate balancing
Providing high-quality data falls within system operators' public service remit.
Appointing a third party to exchange your data
If you do not want to send your data or if you do not have the means to do so yourself, you can appoint another DSO to manage all or part of your data exchanges with RTE. To do this, you need to sign a power of attorney, and complete the dedicated appendices in the rules for the mechanism in question.
The principal DSO remains liable for any adverse consequences which may result from the execution or non-execution of all obligations, the aforementioned power of attorney notwithstanding.
Practical advice
To avoid the messages that you send being rejected, make sure that:
- Your PKI accesses to the RMC platform are active and configured for sending recoflux load curvesYour dynamic data files must be upload in the expected XML format.
To ensure that your dynamic data is of high quality:
- It is essential that you consult your acknowledgements of receipt frequently to check that your files have been validated by RTE.
- Generate the BRP data files on your network once a week.
Who to contact if you need help
For technical problems when sending data:
Telephone 0810 80 50 50 or email (RTE hotline)
For all other questions, contact your Client Relations Manager or
Reference documents
The way in which each demand response mechanism works is governed by specific rules which are supplemented by IT rules or implementation guides:
- Implementation guide for data exchanges between DSOs and RTE for the balance responsible party system is available on page: To reconstitute the balance responsible party system flows