Do you have an account?
Why create an account?
After creating an account you will :
- have access to the “favourites” feature,
- be able to download certain data published by RTE,
- have access to forms (PKI certificate, EIC code, Customer questionnaire - KYC),
- have access to notifications.
If you are an RTE customer, feel free to contact your administrator so that he or she can give you access to your company’s services.
Are you satisfied with your relationship with RTE? Does our service offer meet your expectations ?
To ensure that we maintain a high level of quality of service for each of our customers, we carry out an annual satisfaction survey to give you the opportunity to share your comments and suggestions.
What you told us in 2023

Which aspect of your relationship with us are you most satisfied with?

You have shared your expectations regarding our response times, considered too long due to procedures perceived as cumbersome.
For 2024, we will better respond to your needs by intensifying our targeted actions and maintaining our fluid relationship with you, in order to meet the high level of confidence you place in us.
Find the results of the 2022 Customer Satisfaction Survey.
January 30, 2024